Canadian tech gadgets can beat the near impossible task of buying for tech enthusiasts, who can be hard to buy for.
Before you get home, wrap that device and give it to them you risk getting the wrong thing, or the wrong model of the wrong thing. And is an iPhone 6 really that different from an iPhone 7, anyway?
Hey, what about drones? Yawn.
The best way to please the tech enthusiast on your list is to give them something truly futuristic, which isn’t that easy, unless you know where to look. Increasingly, Canada is a great place to find things that are truly innovative. Once you go through this list of holiday gift ideas, we know you will agree…
1. Myo, the armband by Kitchener’s Thalmic Labs is a device that allows you touch-free control of your Windows, Mac, iOS, or android device. The device detects electrical activity from your muscles when you do certain hand gestures with censors in the armband and transmits it to compatible devices through Bluetooth technology. The Myo armband is also able to detect the orientation, motion, and rotation of your forearm for added control. This device is perfect for people who want hands free control of a continuously expanding list of devices. Setting up the device is extremely easy, it has a long list of compatible apps and can even be used to control certain drones, but it can be tricky to get it to calibrate properly. It can be found on Bestbuy.ca for $200.
2. The Nymi Band by Toronto-based Bionym is perfect for anyone who hates having to remember their passwords. It is a multi-factor authenticator that works for any service, application, or device by connecting to it with Bluetooth and creating a personal authentication network. The network then relays connection information to devices around you. Instead of using fingerprints like other devices the Nymi offers HeartID, it uses your electrocardiogram (a person’s heartbeat produced by electrocardiography) so nobody can take your device and spoof their way in. It is also compatible with certain fitness tracking apps. You can find the Nymi Band for sale on the company’s website for $262.
3. Mojio is a cellular device that allows you to connect your vehicle to your smartphone and a wide range of different apps which allow real-time GPS tracking, anti theft, and diagnostic data. The diagnostic data it provides allows you to see what is wrong with your vehicle before you bring it into a mechanic. It provides behavioural trends for your vehicle and can even calculate expense costs. If someone attempts to start your cars ignition while in anti theft mode, you will receive a notification on your phone along with an alarm. Gps features also allow you to see where your car is should it ever be stolen or lost, or if you have kids and just want to see where they are this could be just the device for you. The Mojio can be purchased through cellular service providers for under $200, but since it is a cellular device it also requires a data plan.
4. Have that person on your list who is ready to become half-human, half bot? Spring Loaded braces, produced by Halifax-based Spring Loaded Technologies is a product that help you prevent injuries and increase performance. Spring Loaded braces are made of extremely thin and lightweight carbon fiber and store the energy produced when you’re bending your knee, the brace then returns the energy as you straighten your leg again. This makes it the worlds one and only bionic brace. Spring Loaded Technologies received a $1 million contract from the Canadian Department of Defense so they’re clearly doing something right. The company’s Levitation knee brace comes in at $2,380, the ski edition costs $2,500, and the Upshot Tactical knee brace costs $5,100.
5. If you play in a higher tax bracket or happen to say, own Vancouver real estate, this next gift idea may be for you. It’s a car, sort of. Electra Meccanica’s 3-wheeled car, The Solo. would be the perfect gift/purchase for someone who is concerned about the environment but also needs to commute daily. The Solo is a lightweight 3-wheeled, one person electric vehicle that can reach speed of up to 130 Km/h. A $250 deposit can be made on the car now and if you change your mind it can be refunded at any point. On release the vehicle will come with a $20,000 price tag and loads of features. This tiny car comes with remote keyless entry, power windows, rear view backup camera, 10 feet³ of storage space, and optional air conditioning. More information can be found about it here.
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