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For years, Cantech Letter has been the tech website you’ll find open most often on desktops, tablets and mobile phones at Bay Street firms. Traders, portfolio managers, analysts -all of them use Cantech Letter to stay up to date on the latest in Canadian tech. Now everyday investors are catching on, too.
That’s because our coverage is second to none. At Cantech Letter you’ll find research from more than fifteen investment banks from scores of analysts. It’s information you can’t get anywhere else. What’s the latest from National Bank Financial on Shopify? Why does Desjardins think WELL Health is a buy right now? Which Canadian-listed cleantech stock has the potential for the biggest returns? You’ll find all that and much more at Cantech Letter.
And while investors are finding this kind of valuable information, how about they find out about your company, too? We can make it happen more cost effectively than anyone else.
Cantech Letter attracts people who are interested in Canadian tech. Full stop. We don’t write about mining and metals. Never have. We don’t have bulletin boards full of internet trolls promoting their latest tout. And we don’t send spammy emails promising “1,000%-plus gains in a matter of weeks”.
We take what we do seriously. That’s why we are the host of Canada largest technology conference, The Cantech Investment Conference, which takes place every January at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. It’s also why Cantech Letter gets sourced by media more than any other Canadian tech site. We’ve been cited by The New York Times, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, The International Business Times, Slate, and many, many more.
Our surprisingly cheap annual sponsorship program uses modern advertising methods to deliver qualified investors to you. We don’t just put up a banner ad and hope for clicks.
Contact Our Sales Manager, Tara Whittet. You can reach her at tara (at)