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Bionym Ready To Ship ECG Reading Wristband To Developers

NymiDevKitToronto’s Bionym has begun accepting applications to ship out a “limited edition” version of its ECG monitoring wristband to developers interested in putting it to the test ahead of general use by the public.

Knowing that the days of the password are numbered, it tends to get people’s attention when you ask them, “What if your password were your heartbeat?”

The company is already shipping prototypes of the Band to developers who have either integrated a use for the wristband with a third-party application using its Nymulator, which simulates the product’s code and behaviour for testing purposes.

“We are continuing to build the Nymi Band ecosystem with the support of a vibrant global community of developers and we are engaging directly with them via private and public hackathons,” wrote the company in a blog post. “By sending out these limited edition Nymi Bands to our developers, we can work to create a growing ecosystem of applications and integrations that will be available to our preorder customers.”

Given that a fresh breakthrough has been made in quantum computing at the University of New South Wales in Australia, retiring the password as we know it takes on fresh urgency.

If during the next 10-15 years, something resembling quantum computing comes to pass in daily mainstream use, current encryption methods will be essentially useless, given that a quantum-type machine will not so much “solve” the password as “collapse” instantly to solve the problem.

So, unique cardiac or other biological forms of ID may become the only serious way of accessing your online life.

The application process for developers is available here.


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