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USA Today says Canadian tech is hot

Sunday's edition of USA Today featured an article by Peter Moreira called

Sunday's edition of USA Today featured an article by Peter Moreira called "Beyond BlackBerry, Canadian tech is humming". The article talks about how a vibrant tech sector has grown up in the considerable shadow of BlackBerry.
Sunday’s edition of USA Today featured an article by Peter Moreira called “Beyond BlackBerry, Canadian tech is humming”. The article talks about how a vibrant tech sector has grown up in the considerable shadow of BlackBerry.
The rest of the world is finally starting to realize that Canada is more than pucks and pipelines.

Sunday’s edition of USA Today featured an article by Peter Moreira called “Beyond BlackBerry, Canadian tech is humming”.

The article talks about how a vibrant tech sector has grown up in the considerable shadow of BlackBerry.

“No one is saying Desire2Learn or other young Canadian tech companies will be as big as BlackBerry in its heyday,” says Moreira, “but they still represent tremendous potential.”

The article profiles Kitchener-based educational software player Desire2Learn as an example of a Canadian tech Americans probably haven’t heard of that is tackling a global market, and winning. In the public space, Moreira list names that will be more than familiar to Cantech Letter readers, such as Descartes, Redknee, and Counterpath.

M Partners analyst, and frequent Cantech Letter contributor, Ron Shuttleworth summed up the Canadian tech scene for the popular daily.

“The Canadian tech industry is probably among the strongest operationally in the world, and probably the most undervalued, because people just aren’t paying attention to it,” he said. “The really good small tech companies will typically get acquired by their U.S. peers, because they can buy them at lower valuations than U.S. companies,” he added.

Click here for the full article.


About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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