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Going Mobile

Canadian Stock News Cantech

A recent survey of eleven major US carriers revealed that the average monthly contract of smart phone users, who now comprise 31% of the entire wireless market, is $86, versus $55 for non-smart phones. So what are we getting for the extra $31 bucks? Most people who upgrade to a smart phone will tell you the reason is apps. Launched in July, 2008 Apple’s App Store recently passed ten billion downloads, and now has more than 350,000 apps. While you may have little use for the iTinkle or the Justin Bieber app, most everyone with a smartphone uses an app that delivers real utility. Canadian listed tech companies have built some of the most powerful and popular apps in the world. In this issue we look at Canadian tech stocks making your smartphone smarter.

Our April issue kicks off with an interview with Lucas Skoczkowski of Redknee. A little more than a decade ago, months before tech stocks would begin crashing en masse and money for new ideas was about to dry up, Skoczkowski started Redknee in the solarium of his apartment. Today he manages an internationally known billing solutions provider with $50 million in annual revenues and customers such as Microsoft and Cisco.

Redknee is just one of the companies we profile in our list of “10 Canadian Tech Stocks Making your Smartphone Smarter.”

And, not to put a damper on the affair, but Cantech Letter’s legal affairs columnist Tim Murphy says due diligence is doubly important when looking at companies whose primary asset is an application. Read his article “The Coming Storm of Apps Litigation

In this issue we also talk to Andrew Osis, President and CEO of Poynt, about the Canadian app that became a worldwide phenomenon.

Cantech Letter Editor Nick Waddell caught up with Michael Durance, CEO of Call Genie, to talk about how his company is addressing the needs of “Digital Natives”.

About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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