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DVC Smalltech Letter now up 33.9%

Canadian Stock News Cantech

October did what October usually does to the markets this past week, taking the TSX down by a little more than 2%. Despite this, the DVC Smalltech Letter continued to gain, adding another 2.5% to bring the overall performance of our profiled companies to +33.9%. The TSX is now down 9.6% over the same period.

DVC Smalltech Letter to Oct. 2, 2009
Underlying Data

1. Intrinysc Software: Profile date: September 26, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.20. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $0.115 Gain/Loss to date: -42.5%

2. Carmanah Technologies: Profile date: October 6, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.78. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $.82 Gain/Loss to date: +5.1%

3. Versatile Systems: Profile date: October 19th, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.11. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $.0235 Gain/Loss to date: +113.6%

4. Jemtec Inc. Profile date: October 15th, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.81. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $0.67 Gain/Loss to date: -17.3%

5. Tecsys Inc. Profile date: October 27th, 2008. Price at profile date:
$1.20. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $2.06 Gain/Loss to date: +71.7%

6. Matrikon Inc. Profile date: November 3rd, 2008. Price at profile date:
$2.10. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $2.60 Gain/Loss to date: +23.8%

7. Sierra Wireless: Profile date: November 10th, 2008. Price at profile
date: $9.50 Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $9.88 Gain/Loss to date: +4%

8. Chartwell Technologies: Profile date: November 17th, 2008. Price at
profile date: $1.55. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $1.39 Gain/Loss to date:

9. Aastra Technologies: Profile date: November 24th, 2008. Price at
profile date: $8.94. Price at Close Coverage Date (June 4, 2009): $30.58
Gain/Loss: +242%

10. Serenic Corp: Profile date: December1st, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.245. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $0.34 Gain/Loss to date: +38.8%.

11. Glentel Inc. Profile date: January 5, 2009. Price at profile date:
$8.75. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $14.50 Gain/Loss to date: 65.7%

12. Miranda Technologies Inc. Profile date: January 19th, 2009. Price at
profile date: $6.99. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $6.15 Gain/Loss to date:

13. RDM Corp: Profile date: February 2, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.75. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $1 Gain/Loss to date: +33.3%

14. Hemisphere GPS: Profile date: May 8, 2009. Price at profile date:
$1.22. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $1.17 Gain/Loss to date: -4.1%

15. International Datacasting: Profile Date August 28, 2009. Price at
profile date:
0.265. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: .255 Gain/Loss to date: -3.8%

About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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