October did what October usually does to the markets this past week, taking the TSX down by a little more than 2%. Despite this, the DVC Smalltech Letter continued to gain, adding another 2.5% to bring the overall performance of our profiled companies to +33.9%. The TSX is now down 9.6% over the same period.
DVC Smalltech Letter to Oct. 2, 2009
Underlying Data
1. Intrinysc Software: Profile date: September 26, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.20. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $0.115 Gain/Loss to date: -42.5%
2. Carmanah Technologies: Profile date: October 6, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.78. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $.82 Gain/Loss to date: +5.1%
3. Versatile Systems: Profile date: October 19th, 2008. Price at profile
date: $0.11. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $.0235 Gain/Loss to date: +113.6%
4. Jemtec Inc. Profile date: October 15th, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.81. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $0.67 Gain/Loss to date: -17.3%
5. Tecsys Inc. Profile date: October 27th, 2008. Price at profile date:
$1.20. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $2.06 Gain/Loss to date: +71.7%
6. Matrikon Inc. Profile date: November 3rd, 2008. Price at profile date:
$2.10. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $2.60 Gain/Loss to date: +23.8%
7. Sierra Wireless: Profile date: November 10th, 2008. Price at profile
date: $9.50 Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $9.88 Gain/Loss to date: +4%
8. Chartwell Technologies: Profile date: November 17th, 2008. Price at
profile date: $1.55. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $1.39 Gain/Loss to date:
9. Aastra Technologies: Profile date: November 24th, 2008. Price at
profile date: $8.94. Price at Close Coverage Date (June 4, 2009): $30.58
Gain/Loss: +242%
10. Serenic Corp: Profile date: December1st, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.245. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $0.34 Gain/Loss to date: +38.8%.
11. Glentel Inc. Profile date: January 5, 2009. Price at profile date:
$8.75. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $14.50 Gain/Loss to date: 65.7%
12. Miranda Technologies Inc. Profile date: January 19th, 2009. Price at
profile date: $6.99. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $6.15 Gain/Loss to date:
13. RDM Corp: Profile date: February 2, 2008. Price at profile date:
$0.75. Price at Oct 2, 2009: $1 Gain/Loss to date: +33.3%
14. Hemisphere GPS: Profile date: May 8, 2009. Price at profile date:
$1.22. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: $1.17 Gain/Loss to date: -4.1%
15. International Datacasting: Profile Date August 28, 2009. Price at
profile date:
0.265. Price at Oct. 2, 2009: .255 Gain/Loss to date: -3.8%
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What do you think of Pharmagap (GAP.TSX) at $0.25?
I’ll leave the response on PharmaGap to our readers…..