The CBC original limited series “BlackBerry” will make its debut on November 9 on CBC Gem and CBC TV. This series, which is an extended three-part CBC original, features footage not previously seen in the feature film. All episodes will be made available to stream on CBC Gem starting on November 9, and a new episode will air weekly on CBC TV at 9pm. The series is said to be full of nostalgic pop culture references and offers a binge-watching opportunity for those interested in the story of the iconic device’s rise and fall.
The CBC series “BlackBerry” is directed by Matt Johnson, who is also known for his work on “Nirvanna the Band the Show.” Johnson turned his film “BlackBerry” into the extended TV series for CBC, including new footage.
The movie “BlackBerry” has been compared to classic films that explore the darker sides of capitalism, such as “Wall Street” and “The Wolf of Wall Street,” indicating that it shares thematic elements with these well-known titles. The film has been praised for its storytelling, acting, and direction, being described as one of the best movies of 2023 by some critics. Despite this critical acclaim, which is reflected in a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, “BlackBerry” did not perform as well commercially. It grossed only $2.8 million worldwide against a production budget of $5 million.