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Elon Musk is a High Functioning Nutbar, but he does get some things right

Twitter is one of those institutions that, in my opinion, won’t go away. I have said this before but it is clear that every journalist has and uses Twitter because that is the open channel through which all news breaks in this day and age.

If Elon blows it up quickly, it will retain most of its current form and just be owned by someone else. If he blows it up slowly that could kill it for good as competitors get time to bleed off the users and a slow death makes Twitter less and less relevant over time until no one cares anymore.

The weekend poll from Elon over whether he should remain as CEO is not what everyone thinks it is. I believe Elon got the answer he was looking for: 57% say he should not…

He doesn’t need to be the CEO of Twitter – he didn’t even want to buy it and was kind of forced to. Now he has a mandate to search for a CEO without having to admit or explain why he is looking for a new CEO. It’s actually genius I think.

The problem Elon has right now is that the Oxford English dictionary just placed his photo next to the definition of the word Capricious so everyone will properly understand what it means. He knows where he wants Twitter to be but needs a CEO in there who is willing to coax the rest of the world along to fulfill that vision. Along the way he has to deal with all the unexpected but otherwise less important things that crop up -like banning Doxxing and cancelling the accounts of actual, value-adding journalists in the process. Quickly corrected, but as a parent I completely understand that. I’m okay with threats to me, but if someone becomes a threat to my kids or my wife, I will do anything to respond and protect them. Even irrational things.

About The Author /

An accomplished investment banker and corporate executive with over 25 years experience in London, New York and Toronto, Blake Corbet is currently the Chief Corporate Development Officer at BBTV. Headquartered in Vancouver, BC, BBTV is a digital media enterprise focused on advancing the world by helping creators succeed on multiple platforms including YouTube and Facebook. Mr. Corbet started his banking career at Haywood Securities in Vancouver in 1990 as a banking analyst. In 1992, he moved to London, England where he worked for Salomon Brothers there and in New York for 5 years. After that, he spent 8 years with CIBC World Markets in Toronto. Mr. Corbet returned to Haywood in 2004 as Managing Director, Investment Banking covering the Technology and non-resource sectors. During the past 7 years at PI Financial, he has completed a variety of financing and advisory transactions across the Technology, Telecom and Healthcare sectors. Mr. Corbet has an Economics Degree from UBC and has been actively involved in the community.
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