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Cryptocurrency Survey: Is The Future is Bright for Crypto?


We commissioned a survey on global attitudes towards cryptocurrencies (n=574 respondents). The results are very clear: younger investors have much more positive views towards cryptocurrencies, and there is much room for growth.



1. Millennials are far more positively inclined towards crypto. 40% are holders, and 70% see crypto as a potential investment.

2. All generations are aware. Over 90% of Boomers, Gen X and Millennials are aware of cryptocurrencies.

3. There is strong potential for growth. Less than 10% of Boomers own crypto now, but nearly 50% will consider crypto as an investment – and ownership vs. potential investment has a similar spread across all generations.

All in, this survey is a strong indication of future increased demand for crypto at this time.

Some Methodology Nerd Stuff:

1. This is an online survey, so trends do reflect those who use devices and are tech savvy.
2. Those born before 1946 and after 2000 were included, but responses were too small to be statistically significant.
3. Email us at for more details.





DISCLAIMER: AIRDROP is presented as an educational resource and should not be construed as individualized investment advice, nor as a recommendation to buy or sell specific cryptocurrencies or related commodities or securities. Coreventus Inc. and/or its employees may own cryptocurrencies, some of which may be mentioned in AIRDROP.

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