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10th Annual Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer raises more than $20-million

Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer

Enbridge Ride to Conquer CancerToday in Ontario the 10th annual Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer kicked off and cyclists from across North America will be making a two day journey from Niagara Falls to Toronto, Toronto to Niagara Falls, or routes within Ontario.

The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer is an event that began in 2008 that aims to raise funds with one goal in mind: conquering cancer within our lifetime. The charity ride began in Ontario but has since spread to Quebec, BC, and Alberta.

This year the ride has over 5,000 cyclists participating, and according to the events website they have raised a total of $20,533,000, which will be going towards the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. This brings the Ontario total to over $170 million raised over the event’s lifetime. 5000 riders seems to be the standard over the last few years, but when the event first started in 2008 there was a total of 2,850 who raised just over $14 million.

“On this stage 10 years ago, we announced that 516 crew, 2,850 riders raised $14.1 million. Today I stand before you and announce that we have 1,250 crew and volunteers, and 5,042 riders,” announced Ramona Oss, the director of the Ride to Conquer Cancer, to the crowd before today’s event began.
Steve’s Cycle Paths is one of the team that has been participating since the first event, they raised a total of $1,195,215 this year alone, this brings their 10 year total up to over $7,600,00.

Quebec will be holding its 9th annual cycling event in early July, BC and Alberta will be hosting theirs in mid and late August.

“Together, with your donors, you have raised a record-breaking $20.533 million for Princess Margaret, one of the top five cancer research centres in the world,” continued Oss.

Other Ride to Conquer Cancer events which are occasionally held in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Princess Margaret Centre is a cancer research centre as well as a hospital of teaching, it was built in 1952 and is affiliated with the University of Toronto Medicine Faculty.

“I went for a tour of the Princess Margaret Centre (about five years ago) and I realized, when you really see the research, you really see these guys working, it’s truly amazing,” said Maureen Watson, a rider in the event.

The Cancer Centre is the largest of its kind in Canada and is even one of the top five largest in the world.

“It’s the money that keeps the research going. Back in the ’60s, leukemia was a death sentence. Today, it’s pretty much curable, in most cases. Even if you look at Terry Fox, the cancer that Terry Fox endured, today Terry Fox would likely be able to be treated and likely have lived,” continued Watson.

The event’s title sponsor since 2011, Enbridge says the disease touches everyone.

“Enbridge continues to be proud of the Ride to Conquer Cancer’s tremendous success and we congratulate everyone involved in the event as together, we’re making a remarkable difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. Cancer does not discriminate and thousands of Canadians, including our own employees, loved ones and friends, have been personally impacted by this disease. Enbridge is honoured to support Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and we’re thrilled to be a part of the Ride’s 10th anniversary with such an inspiring community,” said Dave Charleson, Vice President Energy Supply and Customer Care at Enbridge Gas Distribution.

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