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Feds announce investment in Halifax's Volta Labs technology incubator

NavdeepBainsFederal minister of innovation, science and development Navdeep Bains was in Halifax yesterday, announcing a $2,709,280 investment to be split seven ways through the federally administered Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), $499,500 of which will go towards Halifax start-up incubator Volta Labs.
“We are now living in a world defined by innovation and disruptive technology,” said Minister Bains at the funding announcement, adding, “It’s a pleasure to begin my trip to Atlantic Canada with a place that makes no bones about being about innovation.”
Speaking of bones, much of the rest of the ACOA investment will be split between several companies working in Nova Scotia’s fishery sector, although $244,146 will go to another Halifax tech company, b4checkin, which develops hotel reservation software.
Local MP and president of the treasury board Scott Brison was on hand, saying, “We’re proud to support innovation.”
The announcement was made at Volta Labs headquarters, located in the Maritime Centre, where Volta occupies two floors.
Volta Labs is hoping to move in to the old Memorial Library on Spring Garden Road, which became vacant after the opening of the  new state-of-the-art Central Library in 2014.
The city is currently transferring responsibility for the Memorial Library back to the province, who are apparently on board with Volta Labs moving in as soon as repairs and refurbishing are completed on the old structure.

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