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BlackBerry responds to our article on its salesforce cuts

The BlackBerry Z10 and Q10.

Following our article yesterday about cuts to BlackBerry’s salesforce, several media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, CNET, and The Next Web ran their own articles on the subject.

This morning, BlackBerry responded. We print their response here, unedited.

“I wanted to follow-up on your story today regarding our salesforce news.

I’d like to clarify that we are moving a small number of US-focused sales roles that were based in Canada to the U.S. to be more closely aligned with our customers. As a result, approximately 60 employees have been impacted, primarily in sales.

As previously stated, we are in the second phase of our transformation plan. As part of this transformation, BlackBerry will continually evaluate its organization – from top to bottom – to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills in the right locations to drive new opportunities in mobile computing.

Lisette Kwong

Senior Manager, Corporate Communications

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About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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  1. Now ensure all the news agencies who picked up your story are re-informed ? That would be good journalism.

  2. BlackBerry just attracts negative publicity. This company just can’t catch a break! Bad or negative stories spin like wildfire in the media and good stories rarely get printed. A good example is the latest in which the NSA is reporting they compromised the OLD BES servers, partly. This has been printed like wildfire in the news reports. What they fail to mention is that these are the OLD BlackBerry servers. The NEW BlackBerry 10 servers are the first to win the Authority to operate on the US DOD networks last month. I believe the others have not? When this story published last month, it quickly dies out. Also, they have the BEST user experience in a phone, period! Simply compare the current phones on the market and you will see the Google phones are the only phones that come close to the NEW BB10 phones. The users that use the new BB10 phones talks about this always however, rarely do articles reflect this, why? I believe BlackBerry is simply a company with a great product but public perception is their Achilles Heel? Hopefully they overcome this soon!

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