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The first look at the really, really big BlackBerry A10 phone

BlackBerry A10
BlackBerry A10
A video purporting to be BlackBerry’s forthcoming entry into the “phones so big they are almost tablets” space has leaked on YouTube.

A video purporting to be BlackBerry’s forthcoming entry into the “phones so big they are almost tablets” space has leaked on YouTube.

The brief clip, which originates from Vietnam, doesn’t tell you much, but it does give a sense of the distinguishing feature of the new BlackBerry A10: its size.

Distinguishing, that is, to the new BlackBerry line of OS10 devices, not really that different from other recent ginormous phones such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, with its 5.55-inch display, or Sony’s Xperia Z Ultra, which boasts a 6.4-inch screen.

As L.A. Times writer Salvador Rodriguez noted recently, these larger smartphones are now nearing the size of tablets, such as the seven inch displays on the The Nexus 7 and the Amazon Kindle. He did not mention Blackberry’s own seven inch tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, which appears to be shelved.

The rumoured specs of the BlackBerry A10 have its screen coming in at five inches, though it looks slightly bigger in the video.

The device is expected to be released this fall. Here’s the brief, leaked look at it.

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About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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  1. just put that nail in the coffin already – BB10 was DOA – only canucks and techno phobes bought into the hype (if hype can be applied to a dead horse) give in get an ios or android and save the tree’s (digital at that)

  2. The comment is of no value. Blackberry is here to stay and grow. They are a leader in almost any smartphone technology.

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