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RIM gives superfans a look at BlackBerry 10

Recently, for twenty of BlackBerry's most ardent supporters, Santa Claus came a little early. RIM had them out to Waterloo for a test drive of the new OS.

Recently, for twenty of BlackBerry’s most ardent supporters, Santa Claus came a little early. RIM had them out to Waterloo for a test drive of the new OS. Most of us unwrap our Christmas gifts on the morning of the 25th, perhaps the night before.

For the most fervent fans of BlackBerry, Christmas has been delayed this year until January 30th. That’s when RIM will launch its much anticipated BlackBerry 10 platform in New York.

But recently, for twenty of BlackBerry’s most ardent supporters, Santa Claus came a little early. RIM had them out to Waterloo for a test drive of the new OS.

The reviews are, predictably, raves. But comments from the group suggest that BlackBerry’s attempt to remove the “in and out” nature of Apple and Android devices will resonate with consumers. BlackBerry’s “Hub” will allows user to “flow” through the operating system.


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At this year’s BlackBerry Jam, CEO Thorsten Heins underscored the importance of the feature to the devices. “Nobody should have to worry about opening apps,” he said. “They should just be there.”

The superfans gathered in a conference room on the RIM campus concurred.

“I would say what makes BlackBerry 10 stand out the most is just that seamless nature of the OS” said one visitor.

“To not have to close out what I am doing to see what the blinking red light is for…I think its phenomenal.” said Mark from Brampton.

Here’s the full video:

Related: Is BlackBerry 10 Without Skype a Dealbreaker?


About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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