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Canada’s top Wireless Stocks of 2009

Canadian Stock News Cantech

While the CRTC’s recent reversal on GlobalLive brought a little excitement to the Canadian wireless sector, many believe Canada is still seriously lagging in real consumer choice and competition. Perhaps part of the proof is that most of the companies on this list service the international, not domestic market. We look at the Top 10 performing Canadian wireless stocks in 2009.

1. DragonWave (TSX:DWI) +942%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.96
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: +$10
From the Venture Exchange to a full Nasdaq listing in less than a year, everyone was chasing the Dragon in ’09.

2. Tranzeo (TSX:TZT) +239%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.33
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: $1.12
After a steady two year decline, Tranzeo’s stock snapped back to action in ’09.

3. Bridgewater Systems (TSX:BWC) +236%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $2.50
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009:$8.40
The second of three stocks on this list with Sir Terry Matthew’s fingerprints on it, Bridgewater was helped in 2009 by big orders from Verizon.

4. Redknee (TSX:RKN) +231%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.275
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009:$.91
Stock jumped in April after a string of sales of its billing support services to European service providers.

5. Zarlink Semiconductor (TSX:ZL) +187%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.31
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: $.89
Returned to profitability after a couple iffy quarters.

6. CounterPath (TSX:CCV) +97%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.31
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: $.61
Some wonder if this will be Terry Matthew’s next area of focus; he recently increased his holdings considerably.

7. Sangoma (TSXV:STC) +81%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.48
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009:$.87
Strong run has recently resumed for a company that never seems to have a losing quarter.

8. Glentel (TSX:GLN) +73%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $7.50
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: $13
One of the more recent techs to begin a share buyback program.

9. Advent Wireless (TSXV:AWI) +67%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.46
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009:$.77
Quiet wireless retailer isn’t sexy, just profitable.

10. Sandvine Communications (TSX:SVC) +64%
Price as of Dec 31st, 2008: $.81
Price as of Dec 11th, 2009: $1.33
Still losing money, but cash position remains very strong.

About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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  1. Update: DragonWave has moved from $10 on December 11th to close at $12.04 yesterday (December 29th). So far our poll says our readers think it will continue to climb straight through 2010…

  2. I would like to see Sandvine finally get its “foot in the door” with some major partners below the boarder this year. I would also like to see them finally show some profits from all their work thus far. With the Greater Depression lingering around like a bad odor and US housing soon to take another serious downturn, it’s hard for me to see any stock doing well throughout 2010. Having said that, something needs to be done about the mobile industry and its teetering infrastructure. Hopefully Sandvine is the solution many more companies turn to.

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