Underlying data:
1. Price to sales:0.40
As of Q4, 2008 Intrinsyc had 163,254,903 shares outstanding. The price
as of April 6, 2009 was $.06 This gave The Company a market
capitalization of $9,795,294. In the trailing four quarters sales
totaled $24.73 million.
2. Cash to market cap:126%
As of Q4, 2008 reported cash and short term investments was $12.39 million. Market cap as of April 6, 2009 was $9.79 million.
3. Debt to market cap:0.1%
The Company reported long term debt of $40,000 as of Q4, 2009.
4. Three year growth rate: 12.3%
Sales for fiscal 2005 were $17.5 million. Sales grew to $24.7 million in fiscal 2008.
5. Enterprise value to sales: -10%
The Company’s Enterprise Value as of Q1 2009 was $-2,554,706 million
using the formula (market cap + long term debt – cash and short term
investments). Sales for the trailing 4Q’s were $24.7 million
One thought on “Quant Snapshot: Intrinsyc Software (TSX:ICS)”
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IMHO, Intrinsyc stock hasn’t done anything for the past 10 years but disappoint shareholders. They have never been profitable. Their Soleus phone software was suppose to revolutionize the feature cell phone industry 4 years ago, but it went nowhere. This company is technology driven but they lack marketing skills. Without superior marketing efforts, it doesn’t matter what they produce, because they won’t be able attract enough customers to become profitable.
Just one guy’s opinion.