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Dalhousie University's $100k Competition accepting applications

Dalhousie-UniversityDalhousie University’s third annual $100k Competition has begun accepting applications for teams looking to commercialize their business idea through participation in the university’s eight-week accredited LaunchPad Accelerator.
Pairing participants with mentors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, as well as offering prototyping capacity and discounted services during the LaunchPad Acclerator, the $100k Competition provides 10 finalists with $10,000 in non-dilutive funds before entry into the LaunchPad Accelerator, which runs from mid-May to mid-July.
The $100k Competition is run out of the university’s Norman Newman Centre for Entrepreneurship, which organizes several related Launch Dal initiatives.
Teams must be a minimum of two people, with a maximum of five degree-seeking students, and is also open to former Dalhousie students who have graduated in the past two years, and to Dalhousie researchers or junior faculty.
Applications are due April 29, 2016, and must be accompanied by an 8-minute video explaining the business idea.
Atlantic Canada is enjoying a start-up boom triggered by the success of companies that participated in Dalhousie’s 2012 Starting Lean program, including Spring Loaded Technology, Analyze Re, and Sage Mixology.
The $326 million U.S. exit of Fredericton company Radian6 to in 2011 also provided a boost to the region, as detailed in the spring Entrevestor Intelligence report which details how Atlantic Canada’s entrepreneurial community has matured over the past few years.

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