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Montreal's Revols earbuds raise $2.5 million US on Kickstarter

RevolsKickstarterMontreal’s Revols have concluded a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $2.5 million for their Quick Custom Fit Wireless Earphones that mould to the ear in 60 seconds, ensuring a perfect fit for the earbuds.
The campaign ended on January 8, raising a total of $2,530,756 USD from 10,569 backers, becoming Canada’s most funded project on the crowdfunding platform.
A user of the Revols earbuds puts a gel into their ear that takes the shape inside and then communicates that shape to the Revols iPhone app. The earbuds then mould themselves accordingly.
Users can control earbud density through the app, too, ensuring maximum density for full listening experience sitting in a room, or opening up the density for situations like jogging, when it’s important for you to hear your environment as well as your music.
Revols co-founder Navi Cohen, who has a background in mechanical engineering, came up with the idea while in college and simultaneously getting into the world of pricey high-end earbuds, which ended up making his ears sore.
His co-founder, Revols CEO Daniel Blumer, also had his own custom-made earbuds done at great expense and ultimately found the process less than fulfilling.
So they came up with an inexpensive and fairly painless solution for other people who go through the tricky process of finding the ultimate in-ear sound system.
The Revols earbud hardening process is proprietary and patent pending.
The Kickstarter campaign launched on November 9 and ended on January 8, during which time the Revol team traveled to
Shenzen, China to visit hardware accelerator HAX, to ensure that the manufacturing process will go smoothly and according to schedule.
Revol had already done a stint in the HAX program months earlier.
While there, they determined that the cables attached to the earbuds could be reinforced with Kevlar, to strengthen the product’s durability.
The team worked with acoustic engineers from Onkyo to refine sound profiles and driver specs.
Revol had a booth at the Consumer Electronics Show, where they managed to get Stevie Wonder to sample their product and pose for a selfie with them.

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