Yesterday, ViXS reported its Q3, 2016 results. The company lost (U.S.) $3.19-million on revenue of revenue of $5.1-million, less than half of last year’s third quarter topline.
“As a company, we have refocused our efforts to stabilize revenue and engage with both existing and new economy customers in the changing video delivery ecosystems. We are focused on creating video platforms which enable our customers to get to market in a short time period,” said ViXS CEO Sohail Khan. “In addition, with the full support of the board and senior management, we are in the midst of a strategic review, including focusing our resources on our core business and the potential sale of certain non-core assets with the goal of enhancing shareholder value.”
Tse says investors have every reason to be skeptical of ViXS, but thinks the company may finally be on the path to a recovery.
“After a string shortfalls and disappointments and two CEO departures, it sounds as though ViXS could be in the early innings of a sustainable turnaround even if it comes with heightened risk given the company’s historical track record,” says the analyst. “What we did not appreciate until last night’s conference call and our post call conversations with Management is that there are some substantive changes underway which could accelerate ViXS’ revenue contributing design wins over the next 12-24 months. Like you, we have heard that before which makes us skeptical. But it sounds different this time…”
In a research update to clients today, Tse maintained his “Buy (Speculative)” rating and one-year price target of $1.50 on ViXS Systems.
On Tuesday, ViXS announced it had received an independent valuation of its portfolio of 510 patents and applications from the San Francisco-based Black Stone IP, LLC, an investment bank focused on valuing and trading intellectual property and technology assets. The assessment valued ViXS patents at between (U.S) $43-million and $109-million.
“It is clear from Black Stone IP’s valuation and the interest of third parties in our patents received by the company from time to time, that the ViXS portfolio has substantial monetization value based on mainstream shipping features,” said Khan “In addition, the portfolio’s relevance to important next-generation functions opens up the potential for higher licensing value going forward. This is an important first step in our IP monetization strategy.”
Tse says much of the recent momentum around ViXS comes from the Black Stone independent valuation. He notes that while the valuation assumes the company can be successful in monetizing its patent portfolio, it underscores the value in the name and is one of the reasons he has maintained a “Buy (Speculative) rating on it throughout this period of turmoil.
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Mistake: they did not have earnings in the quarter. It was a loss.
This analyst has to be kidding.
As someone who has worked in Vixs till 2013 all I can say is that this company is a joke. Has no direction, and the only thing the management there is good at is getting benefits. The execution quality of the devices is sub standard and no serious company will use their devices (Not to mention the financial instability which would also drive customers away). I wrote 2 years ago, when the stock was >3$ that this company is a joke and is a definite short, and here we are at 36 cents.
It’s just a matter of time till it gets closed. Their patents are worthless and the estimates they got were just to get more suckers to hand them money, no company would pay them anything for their patents.