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Vidyard partners with Act-On to target billion dollar marketing automation spend

Vidyard’s Michael Litt (foreground).

Waterloo’s Vidyard today announced it has launched an integration with marketing automation firm Act-On’s platform.

Act-On, which aims to solve the tangle of leads a company might generate from modern outreach tools such as social media, says the mix of offerings will allow customers to gather video viewing and engagement data such as how long a prospective customer viewed a video. The company also adds “call-to-action” tools such as email gates or forms to videos.

“Online video is an important part of Act-On’s own digital marketing mix, and as a Vidyard customer, we have seen tremendous value in leveraging the technology to track the viewership and engagement our videos receive across channels,” said Act-On’s Chief Marketing Officer Atri Chatterjee. “With the Vidyard integration, our customers now have the ability to see which videos their prospects are watching and use that data to better nurture and convert customers. It’s about giving our customers access to the right data to make smarter marketing decisions.”

The nascent marketing automation space, which is populated by companies such as Marketo, Hubspot, and Pardot, which was acquired by Salesforce in 2012, is already a billion dollar industry, and is growing at annual rate of 50%, reports VentureBeat. Act-On CEO Raghu Raghavan recently told reporter John Koetsier that penetration amongst the company’s target audience of non-tech related mid-market companies is only about 3%. Raghavan says the space is so new that about half of the business Act-On wins is in non-competitive situations.

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About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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