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Today is the last day to vote for the 2013 Cantech Letter Awards

cantech awards wood wallToday is the last day of reader voting for the 2013 Cantech Letter Awards. Below we have linked to each of the six categories.

For the first time ever, the Cantech Letter Awards will be open to the public. A gala awards dinner, brought to you by Difference Capital and the TSX, will follow the First Annual Cantech Investment Conference, on January 16th, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Tickets to the Cantech Letter Awards, including a limited number of tables of ten, are still available. Click here, or contact Contact Karen Renaud at Cambridge House to reserve. (karen@cambridgehouse.com or Direct at (604) 398-5356). For tickets to the Cantech Investment Conference, featuring keynote speaker Commander Chris Hadfield, click here.

On to the nominees. For these awards, we asked twenty-two of Canada’s top technology analysts to give us their top three picks. The finalists are the companies that received the most points in this process (we gave three points for first place, two for second and one for third. In the event of a tie, the company receiving the most first place votes was chosen.) The judges voted on the consensus picks using the same scoring system.

We told our judges we were looking for the most outstanding candidate and asked them to use their own discretion to weigh factors such as revenue and earnings growth, share price appreciation and gains in market capitalization. Is a stock that gained 100% but moved from $0.15 to $0.30 more worthy than one that gained 75% but added billions in market cap? These are the decisions we left to their discretion as a professional.

The readers of Cantech Letter will count as one judge in this process. You can vote today in each of the six categories listed here.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter TSX Tech Stock of the Year.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter TSX Tech Exec of the Year.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter TSX Venture Tech Stock of the Year.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter TSX Venture Exchange Tech Exec of the Year.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter Canadian Cleantech Stock of the Year.

Here are the three finalists for 2013 Cantech Letter Canadian Life Sciences Stock of the Year.


About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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