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More than 20% of Canadians were on Reddit in 2013

The top two posts of 2013 illustrate Reddit’s unique place at the intersection of social responsibility and throwaway culture. One was about funny pictures, the other the Boston Marathon bombing.

Mega-popular social bookmarking site Reddit.com just released its stats for 2013, and it’s clear that Canadians are a big part of the site’s success.

Reddit’s numbers are truly staggering. In 2013, the site pulled approximately 56-billion page views from 731 million Unique Visitors. The U.S., unsurprisingly, comes in first in total contribution, with 48.53-million unique visitors per month. What is surprising is the number of Canucks on the site. Canada ranks second overall, with 7.41-million unique visitors, beating out Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany.

When Reddit breaks down the numbers compared to population it is close to staggering; 21.26% of Canadians are on the site, compared to 15.46% of Americans and 12.56% of Australians.

2013 was another banner year for the Condé Nast owned Reddit. The site’s popular AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) was highlighted by appearances from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Gates, after having landed Barack Obama the previous year. The site also became a go-to source for information and discussion about the Boston Marathon bombing, although that incident highlighted some of the challenges the site faces when it is regarded as a legit news source.

The top two posts of 2013 illustrate Reddit’s unique place at the intersection of social responsibility and throwaway culture. The top post was “What gif reduces you to hysterical laughter every time?” which got 3.6-million page views. Number two was “Live Update of Boston Bombing Situation (Thread 1)” which was close behind with 3.17-million views.


About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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