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Bill’s Buzz: Difference Capital shaking up Bay Street tech jobs

Dushan Batrovic is the most recent tech analyst to be snatched up by Difference Capital, following Tom Astle and Tom Liston.

Dushan Batrovic is the most recent tech analyst to be snatched up by Difference Capital, following Tom Astle and Tom Liston. In recent weeks, several equity analysts and a few bankers covering tech have moved to Difference Capital, telling the market clearly of the firm’s focus in this space.

And it is rumoured more is to come as bonuses (what little there may be) are paid out at the end of the year at many firms. It is a commendable but risky strategy – the pure play.

One interesting observation this past week came to me from a CFO of a sizable tech firm in Canada (what little there may be) saying, possibly tongue in cheek, that they were getting a little peeved that their options for equity and banking coverage was narrowing so dramatically. However, for how long has the buy side said that Canada was “over-banked”.

Isn’t it refreshing to have a little consolidation? Especially within an industry group known for its inventiveness. Maybe 2014 will see a pure-play broker-dealer focused on Forest Products.

Oh, that’s funny.


bill vlaad

Bill is a reformed Investment Banker, served time in corporate development and has dabbled as an entrepreneur. He has been fired twice, has gone through the process of negotiating severance, dealing with lawyers and the anxiety of looking for new career directions. He has been sold a bill of goods from headhunters in the past, and has had to work with the dilemma of being represented by a recruiting firm without control of the process. So with all that experience, what he has learned as a father of two and from an MBA from a school formerly called Western, he has built a strong group of people around him to form Vlaad and Company.

Now headquartered at 55 York Street in Toronto, Vlaad and Company literally started out of his kitchen, then into his neighbour’s garage, next to a few local Starbucks (where he is still often spotted).

Bill tries to stave off weight through boxing and running, and gave up on his hair long ago. He rarely hits under 100 but is always willing to take a free round of golf if offered. During the winter he schleps north to ski at Alpine, spending the days there desperately trying to stay upright and out of the trees.

To stay up to date on all the moves on Bay Street follow Bill’s blog Bill’s Buzz.


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