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Resverlogix CEO McCaffrey: Why I’m looking forward to 2013

No one is expecting it to top

No one is expecting it to top "Gangham Style" in view count, but Resverlogix  CEO Donald McCaffrey has taken to YouTube with an interesting interview that explains what the Calgary-based biotech will be up to in 2013.
No one is expecting it to top “Gangham Style” in view count, but Resverlogix CEO Donald McCaffrey has taken to YouTube with an interesting interview that explains what the Calgary-based biotech will be up to in 2013.
No one is expecting it to top Gangham Style in view count, but Resverlogix (TSX:RVX) CEO Donald McCaffrey has taken to YouTube with an interesting interview that explains what the Calgary-based biotech will be up to in 2013.

McCaffrey says Resverlogix has entered into the most exciting field in biotech and life sciences research right now, which is epigenetics.

He says that if genetics is the hardware of the human body, epigenetics is the software. Epigenetics is gaining attention of late, in part for its perceived potential to treat cances at the genetic level.

The Resverlogix CEO says the main catalysts for the company will be in licensing and partnering in epigenetics around oncology and autoimmune diseases. McCaffrey also points out that Phase 2B Assure Data, which in being conducted in eight different countries around the world, will be released in midway through 2013. He says that trial should prove, once and for all, that the treatment is removing atherosclerotic plaque.


Here’s the full video:

About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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