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DVC Smalltech Letter now up 20.4%

Canadian Stock News Cantech

The profiled companies of the DVC Smalltech Letter improved their performance again last week, moving their gains to 20.4% from last week’s 13.1% gain.  Since September 26th, 2008, when we profiled our first Canadiantech company, the DVC Smalltech Letter is up an aformentioned 20.4%,  while the TSX is down 15.6%

Underlying Data:

1. Intrinysc Software: Profile date: September 26, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.20. Price at May 8, 2009: $0.12  Gain/Loss to date: -40%

2. Carmanah Technologies: Profile date: October 6, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.78. Price at May 8, 2009: $1.06 Gain/Loss to date: +35.9%

3. Versatile Systems: Profile date: October 19th, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.11. Price at May 8, 2009: $0.09. Gain/Loss to date: -18.2%

4. Jemtec Inc. Profile date: October 15th, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.81. Price at May 8, 2009: $0.70. Gain/Loss to date: -13.6%

5. Tecsys Inc. Profile date: October 27th, 2008. Price at profile date: $1.20. Price at May 8, 2009: $1.74. Gain/Loss to date: +45%

6. Matrikon Inc. Profile date: November 3rd, 2008. Price at profile date: $2.10. Price at May 8, 2009: $2.40. Gain/Loss to date: +14.3%

7. Sierra Wireless: Profile date: November 10th, 2008. Price at profile date: $9.50 Price at May 8, 2009: $6.45. Gain/Loss to date: -32.1%

8. Chartwell Technologies: Profile date: November 17th, 2008. Price at profile date: $1.55. Price at May 8, 2009: $1.40 Gain/Loss to date: -9.7%

9. Aastra Technologies: Profile date: November 24th, 2008. Price at profile date: $8.94. Price at May 8, 2009: $31.35 Gain/Loss to date: +250.7%

10. Serenic Corp: Profile date: December1st, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.245. Price at May 8, 2009: $0.25 Gain/Loss to date: +2%.

11. Glentel Inc. Profile date: January 5, 2009. Price at profile date: $8.75. Price at May 8, 2009: $10.40. Gain/Loss to date: 18.9%

12. Miranda Technologies Inc. Profile date: January 19th, 2009. Price at profile date: $6.99. Price at May 8, 2009: $5.80 Gain/Loss to date: -17%

13. RDM Corp: Profile date: February 2, 2008. Price at profile date: $0.75. Price at May 8, 2009: $0.97. Gain/Loss to date: +29.3%

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