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Canadian developer releases "Mighty Trump", a game set at Mexico border wall

Just in time for the U.S. presidential election, an app developer based in Ontario has released an Android app arcade game called “Mighty Trump”, which challenges gamers to prevent “burrito bandidos” from crossing the U.S. Mexican border.
The game’s blurb reads, “Trump the burrito bandidos as you collect Trump coins and save America from the evil doers whom jump the infamous U.S / Mexico border wall.”
“Our team at PUF Ventures in Woodbridge, Ontario developed this app in our spare time to poke fun at this bizarre election,” says creator Derek Ivany. “Anyone looking for some comedy or a challenge while they dodge burritos as Trump flies across protecting his border wall will get a kick out of this easy but challenging app.”
The actual substance of just about anything Donald Trump has ever said during his run for president of the United States is about as funny as cancer, but he has produced a huge number of unintentionally funny memes.
During one of the presidential debates Trump promised, “We have some bad hombres here, and we’re going to get them out.”
Hillary Clinton couldn’t help but grin while he uttered those words, a bizarre callback to his assertion that, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
The “bad hombres” remark, of course, became its own hashtag and provided ammunition against Trump, memorably satirized in Alec Baldwin’s SNL impression.

One of Trump’s other greatest hits, his remark about “nasty” women, provided Elizabeth Warren with a moment to shine, turning his “nasty” comment against him in a rousing speech exhorting nasty women everywhere to march their nasty feet to their nasty voting station to cast their nasty ballot for nasty Hillary.
During an MSNBC debate a couple months ago, Marco Gutierrez, a Mexican immigrant and the founder of a group called Latinos for Trump, asserted that if white Americans and Donald Trump didn’t do something to stem the tide of Mexican immigration, “you’re going to have taco trucks on every corner.”
Almost instantly, the meme of “a taco truck on every corner” was taken over by Twitter users as a great initiative that anyone in their right mind would actually like to see all over the United States, being that a taco truck on every corner would obviously represent a clear uptick in urban quality of life.
Any one of these infantile remarks, whether “bad hombres” or “nasty women” or “taco trucks on every corner” would all probably also make for some amusing Trump-related video games. Hopefully, too, by next week they’ll all be tossed into the dumpster fire of history, along with Trump’s campaign.
This isn’t the first time a Canadian tech entrepreneur has leveraged the spectre of a Trump presidency.
In March, Waterloo, Ontario ad tech company Sortable lured expatriate Canadians currently working in the Bay area, or other American tech hubs, to come home to Canada with the tagline “Thinking of moving back to Canada? Sortable is hiring.”
And “Mighty Trump” isn’t the first video game inspired by the orange-tinged would-be tycoon.
Earlier this year, a group of New Zealanders released an iOS and Android game called “Donald Jrump”. That game is set in the time after the fictional Jrump wins the U.S. election, with disastrous results.
“International borders have closed up, global warming research has halted and brick sales have increased at a staggering rate,” reads the game’s description. Jrump, it seems, has ambitions that go beyond the mere office of the presidency, he wants to rule the galaxy. How does he do this? By building walls, of course, or rather, having you the player build them for him to jump on. Jrump must maneuver past some of his least favourite entities to do so, battling aliens, Mexicans, and scientists along the way.
The actual Donald Trump actually conferred his economically dubious blessing upon a video game once. Trump provided voice overs for “Donald Trump’s Real Estate Tycoon”, which was released for Windows more than a decade ago and updated more recently for mobile phones. The goal, for the player, was to unseat Trump as the “most influential magnate on the planet”.
In other news, the 65-story Trump Tower in Toronto was reportedly just placed in receivership.

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