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Edmonton’s DriveWyze Becomes Largest Truck Weigh Station Bypass Service In America

drivewyzeEdmonton-based DriveWyze has added New York State to its roster, making it officially the largest weigh station bypass program in America.

Using DriveWyze’s software, truck drivers can now bypass 439 weigh station locations in 32 states, reflecting an explosive growth rate of over 80% over the last 18 months. DriveWyze was founded in 2011.

Billed as an intelligent transportation system (ITS) service, DriveWyze works through GPS and a mobile app to warn truckers of weigh stations within two miles.

If the station is one of 439 participating in DriveWyze’s system, the driver can proceed without stopping if signaled by a green light on the app interface. A red light signals that the driver must stop. DriveWyze estimates that anywhere between 50% and 98% of their drivers bypass stations without stopping.


“Our Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) transponder technology is changing how trucking companies and state commercial vehicle inspectors view weigh station bypass,” said DriveWyze president and CEO Brian Heath. “With our partners at PeopleNet, Rand McNally and Zonar offering Drivewyze on their in-cab devices, fleets are finding that Drivewyze can save them thousands of hours of lost driver productivity and significantly reduce their fuel costs.”

Safety guidelines are set on a state-by-state basis, with each safety record and truck statistics transmitted wirelessly to each station by a truck’s electronic on-board recorder.

A study published by the U.S. Department of Transportation stated that each time a driver gets to bypass a station, the savings amount to $8.68.

Last week, DriveWyze took an investment, terms undisclosed, from Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, L.P., an investment firm which manages approximately $29 billion.

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