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Last week’s five hottest Canadian tech stocks

Intelgenx CEO Horst Zerbe. Shares of the company have risen steadily throughout 2012. A summer long rally has moved the TSX a thousand points, returning it to levels it had established before a spring swoon. The resurgence has been underpinned by stronger metals prices; gold is up 11.6% since late June, and silver has gained 26% in the same period.

Technology stocks seem to remain a picker’s market, even tossing in cleantech and biotech the sector is not yet large enough to fully absorb a sector rotation, if one were to want to happen. Last week’s top tech gainers were a grab bag of different sized and themed companies. Here are the top gaining tech stocks for the week of September 17th. All cleantech, life sciences and technology stock listed on the TSX, with a minimum average of 10,000 shares traded per day, were eligible.

1. Seair Inc (TSXV:SDS) +60%
Friday, September 14th Close: $.40
Friday, September 21st Close: $.64

On Monday, Seair CEO Harold Kinasewich resigned, just days after board member Kim Irving left the company’s board of directors. Kinasewich founded Seair and is the co-inventor of the company’s core patented diffusion technology, but shareholders clearly approved of the management shakeup; on Tuesday the stock leapt from $.39 cents to $.65 cents, and posted its highest volume in months.

2. Glentel (TSX:GLN) +19.5%
Friday, September 14th Close: $12.13
Friday, September 21st Close: $14.50

Glentel shares, which have been slumping all year, snapped back to action last week. An article in the Globe and Mail by Ian McGugan identified the Burnaby based company as one with a “record of increasing their dividends as well as the financial room to continue to do so.“.


This article is brought to you by Cantech Letter sponsor BIOX (TSX:BX). The largest producer of biodiesel in Canada, BIOX’s proprietary production process has the capability to use a variety of feedstock, including recycled vegetable oils, agricultural seed oils, yellow greases and tallow. For more information CLICK HERE.


3. Intelgenx (TSXV:IGX) +16.3%
Friday, September 14th Close: $.55
Friday, September 21st Close: $.64

Share of Intelgenx, which have been climbing steadily since March, had another good week last week. The company says its oral controlled-release drug delivery technologies have the ability to improve the performance of a wide variety of existing pharmaceutical compounds.

4. Natcore Technology (TSX:NXT) +11.76%
Friday, September 14th Close: $1.03
Friday, September 21st Close: $1.14

Natcore is looking to break the solar curse that has claimed so many of its peers, such as Timminco and Arise Technologies. The company looks to be well on its way, as its shares have tripled since March. In June, management announced it had agreed to take on research and development work for five solar device manufacturers, who want to know if Natcore’s black silicon and liquid phase deposition processes can help them reduce costs and improve performance of their solar products.

5. Pason Systems (TSX: PSI) +8.73%
Friday, September 14th Close: $14.89
Friday, September 21st Close: $16.19

No news from Calgary’s Pason Systems, but the company, which provides complex instrumentation systems to offshore drillers, has been a steady riser for most of 2012.



About The Author /

Cantech Letter founder and editor Nick Waddell has lived in five Canadian provinces and is proud of his country's often overlooked contributions to the world of science and technology. Waddell takes a regular shift on the Canadian media circuit, making appearances on CTV, CBC and BNN, and contributing to publications such as Canadian Business and Business Insider.
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